Functional user experiences, system integrations and more.
It could be something as simple as making a change to some code here or there, integrating Google Analytics or building a contact us form. Whatever your requirements i'm happy to help.
Whether it be implementing payment gateways or shipping providers into your Ecommerce website or building automated SMS message delivery for a web applications; I can assist you in the integration of third-party APIs.
Has your graphic designer produced a perfect website concept but lacks the development skills to make it a reality? Let me help you join up the dots by converting any Photoshop ".psd" or equivalent Illustrator file into a working website.
If your existing website is displaying error messages or is no longer functioning as intended then I'm more than happy to take a look under-the-hood, so to speak.
With experience in the jQuery javascript library I can assist you in enhancing your user experience. Examples include Ajax form submissions, Modal pop-ups etc.
If you have a need for a bespoke module for SilverStripe or a plugin for WordPress I am more than happy to have a chat to see if something can developed to suit your needs.